Why You Should Replace Your Home’s Siding Before Winter Hits


The leaves have started turning and there seems little doubt that winter will soon be on its way. Before the beautiful foliage gives way to barren branches and freezing temperatures, you’ll want to assess the most vulnerable parts of your home to ensure you take care of necessary tasks. One of these tasks may be the need for siding replacement. If you’ve observed signs that your siding may be in disrepair and needs to be completely replaced, you shouldn’t put off this home improvement project until spring. In fact, this may be the best time of year to replace your residential siding. Here’s why.

  • You can protect your home against the elements.
    While vinyl siding can last up to 40 years when properly maintained, that doesn’t mean you can afford to ignore the state it’s in. Your home’s siding acts as the first line of defense against harsh winter weather. If it’s not in peak condition, you may experience draftier temperatures on the inside and even further damage on the outside (particularly after a major snowstorm). But by investing in siding replacement before winter rears its ugly head, you can keep your home cozy and retain its aesthetic value more easily.
  • You’ll experience improved energy efficiency.
    You’ll probably want to do everything in your power (pun intended) to lower your energy bills this winter. You may not realize you can save quite a bit by opting for siding replacement now, rather than later. Replacing your worn-out siding allow you to retain more of the heat indoors and keep the cold air out, meaning that your heating costs won’t be nearly as high this season. In addition, you may also be able to opt for greener materials to reduce your home’s overall carbon footprint.
  • You may pay a more reasonable price.
    Most people will end up replacing their siding in the spring or summer. Naturally, that’s when siding contractors become a lot busier. They’ll also end up charging more for their services; it’s the simple rule of supply and demand. During the fall, however, you will likely benefit from greater contractor availability. That means the process will likely be more convenient for your family. You may even be able to get a better price on your siding replacement, depending on the circumstances. Coupled with the reduction of your energy bills, that’s excellent news for your bank account.

Whether you plan on selling your home come spring, are expecting guests for the holiday season, or simply want to preserve your home from unnecessary damage, you should consider replacing old home siding this season. For more information on our services or our siding options, please contact us today.


