4 Advantages of Purchasing Composite Siding From Commercial Construction

4 Advantages of Purchasing Composite Siding From Commercial Construction

The exterior of a home can have a serious effect on both people’s perception of the home’s quality, as well as their perception of the home’s owners. First impressions are powerful, and obviously the outside of a house is going to be the first thing visitors notice.

One of the most prominent features of your home’s exterior is its type of siding. There are a variety of different types of siding, each with its own advantages. In recent years, composite siding has become a popular choice offered by commercial construction companies. It’s even catching up to vinyl siding. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Durability: Composite siding, which can be composed of fiber cement, or a mix of wood pulp and cement, can mimic the look of painted wood clapboards, shingles, or even stone and brick, while remaining more durable than any of them. This siding performs similar to masonry in that it remains rot-free, termite free, fire-proof, and unaffected by harsh weather conditions.
  2. Virtually maintenance free: Thanks to composite siding being so durable, the homeowner or commercial construction company doesn’t have to do quite as much maintenance. Not only will there be far less need for siding repairs over other types of siding, but the paint on composite materials typically lasts anywhere from 15 to 20 years.
  3. Cost effective: Another added bonus of this siding’s durability is how cost effective it is. Its longevity makes it more economical than hard wood siding, for example. Most people hire commercial construction companies to perform siding replacements or repairs, but with composite siding, there will be far less need to pay for these services.
  4. Variety: Composite materials can come in a variety of siding colors even before painting, depending on the materials it was constructed with. As stated previously, there are a number of different materials used to create composite siding. Fiber cement — for example — is primarily composed of silica sand and cement. Others may include mixtures of wood pulp. This siding can also be molded to create its own unique look and style.

All types of siding have their pros and cons, but for the long-term homeowner, composite siding may be the way to go. You can keep your home beautiful for years to come, all the while saving money.


