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4 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Home

4 Ways to Boost the Value of Your Home

Obviously, sellers want to get the most bang for their buck, but selling a house can be a complicated and time-consuming process. Luckily, there are a number of ways to boost the value of a home and possibly decrease the time it spends on the market. Here are just a few of the most effective ways:

  1. Go green: Believe it or not, in this day of age, making a house more energy efficient is one of the best ways to improve its value. Some appliances are built to do just that, but it’s a window replacement that can reduce energy consumption, as well as add some aesthetic significance.

    For example, single-pane glass windows common in homes built before the mid-1990s are terribly energy inefficient, leading to huge losses in heating and cooling expenses. However, replacing these old windows with energy efficient models that meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency/U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Star program can reduce energy bills anywhere from 7% to 15%.

  2. Power of the front door: The front of the house always gets the most scrutiny, because it is the first thing any potential buyer sees. The front door in particular can have a huge impact on one’s perception of a home, as they must pass through it.

    A simple door replacement can seriously improve a house’s attractiveness. Not to mention that a new door replacement, like the windows, will also reduce energy consumption. Overall, a new front door averages a return on investment of 97.2%.

  3. Siding: Front doors are important, but curb appeal encompasses a number of other factors. In order to give your home a proper face lift, siding replacements can be very influential. Vinyl siding has become a popular choice in recent years due to its low maintenance and the variety color siding options available.
  4. Roofing: Your new siding and front door replacement can only do so much if your roof is in shambles. Not only is the quality a roof important to a home’s aesthetic value, but if in poor condition, it can lead to water damage or insulation problems for future buyers. A roof replacement could make an enormous difference for both you and the buyer.

You’ve loved your home, and the next resident should too. Spending the time and money to give your house a face lift could easily pay itself off and more.





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