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5 Tips for Maintaining Your Home’s Siding

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Home’s Siding

Have you finally beautified your home with brand-new siding? That’s great! This change can come with a ton of different benefits. That said, how do you maintain your home’s siding? Check out our different tips below.

Inspect and Treat Annually

If you have new siding, you should visually inspect it for wood rot or termite damage every six months. You should make it a point to look out for any changes and take care of signs of damage early. The issue of wood rot, in particular, can spread quickly—the sooner you address it, the better.

Paint and Seal Regularly

Painting and sealing make a huge difference, no matter what type of siding you have. It can make your siding look brand new without trying to revitalize what’s happening underneath. Ensure that your manufacturer doesn’t mind the extra coat of paint, though. If you find it’s within the warranty, go for it. Sealant is perfect for maintaining your home’s siding.

Protect the Vinyl

There are a few things that you need to do to help your vinyl maintain its longevity. When possible, keep it away from direct sources of heat and sunlight. It can withstand intense weather, but you shouldn’t stress it unnecessarily. Try not to lean objects against the siding, and avoid parking your lawn accessories nearby. Your vinyl siding installers work diligently to make your siding look its best, but you have to take preventative steps to keep it that way.

Clean the Siding

Keeping your siding clean eliminates instances of grime, mildew, and dirt. After inspection, give the siding a solid cleaning. For the quickest and most efficient cleaning process, rent or purchase a power washer. This eliminates most build-up, especially in hard-to-reach areas. Cleaning the siding is an essential step in improving its longevity.

Trim Your Landscape

Keeping the rest of your landscaping in check is a surefire way to complement the beauty of your siding. It also keeps the foliage from scratching against the material. A small bush may not seem like a big deal, but over the years, the constant friction can become a source of damage.

There are many ways that homeowners can extend the lifespan of their home’s siding. If you’re looking for a siding contractor that provides quality services and professionalism, reach out to Pro-Home Services!





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