Pro-Homes Shingle Color of the Year


As another year ends, are you curious to know what the most popular roofing shingle color for this year was?  Drumroll please….

Charcoal grey was the winner!  At Pro-Homes, we were laying quite a bit of  GAF charcoal and Malarkey Midnight Black, which is much more gray than their blackest color, Black Oak.  The beautiful, rich color of charcoal looks great on light houses as well as dark, and our customers favored the dimensional look of the architectural shingles. While some years our customers have favored lighter shingle colors, were the rage, most households we did in the Chicagoland area went with a darker hue this year.

Dark colors help those of us in the snowbelt trap in the sunshine during the cold winter months. This past summer, our cooler average temperature (68 degrees) did not have people worrying about their homes getting too hot in the season. Maybe it is a safer choice for homeowners, or it could be the popularity of white and grey siding this year, that went so well with charcoal. Whatever the case may be, it is important for homeowners to find the color that suits their house and one they can live with for 15 to 20 years.  Charcoal is it for many reasons..

  1. The darker color can make your home appear larger
  2. The darker color can increase your energy efficiency in the winter.
  3. Darker color shingles can enhance your home’s architectural elements like windows, doors, etc. by contrasting with brighter siding.
  4. Charcoal is a bit off the typical black color but traditional enough to be accepted by most Homeowner’s Associations.
  5. For customers looking to sell, charcoal is a safe choice that will undoubtedly contribute to your curbside appeal. Choosing too bold a color might leave your home on the market longer than you planned.

The sleek look of the charcoal roof is like the Chanel of shingle colors; always classic, clean, and never goes out of style.  If you’re in the market for new roofing, talk to the pros at Pro-Home Services.  We’ll bring the shingle samples right to your home and schedule a time that will work for your installation.  Give us a call today! (630)790-0800.


