Are Your Windows Ready for Winter?

Are Your Windows Ready for Winter?

Are your windows ready for winter? Before temperatures drop and snow blankets our homes, getting your windows ready for winter should be top priority. This is especially true now, in the time of COVID-19, as we prepare to spend even more time inside this winter. Performing a simple inspection can save you on your energy bills in the months ahead, and help you find the signs that it’s time to replace your windows.

The importance of having winter ready windows can be the difference between a comfortable home or (as some people say) freezing your patootie off. The windows of your home are often a primary source of heat loss. Here are some things for your own inspection checklist:

  • Inspect the caulk and weather stripping around the windows. Is there damage? Wear? Are the windows airtight when they shut?
  • Look for gaps or cracks in the window frames.
  • Is there a draft? Close all windows, turn off the furnace, light a candle, and hold the candle around the perimeter of the window. Does the flame flicker or blow out? If so there may be a leak. If windows fog over, it is also a telltale sign of air leakage.
  • Be sure to install your storm windows. This should be done before the cold hits. Not only will it help contain heat, but you will get the chore done in more comfortable weather!
  • Make sure all your windows are not just closed, but locked. Many people lose energy missing this simple step!

When your inspection is complete, and you have found issues, there are some options and easy remedies available to homeowners. However, in most cases they are temporary quick fixes that can delay the need for replacing windows:

  • Replace/install weather stripping
  • Apply fresh caulk
  • Use draft snakes
  • Install storm windows (if not already installed)
  • Apply plastic window wrap to seal the windows

The best solution may be to replace your windows altogether, especially if your windows are 20 years old or more. Pro-Homes Services proudly install Andersen and Alside windows, backed by a 20 year warranty. Now is the time to get your windows ready for winter, and give us a call, while we have open availability and better pricing. That way all those hours you’ll spend indoors this winter will be draft-proof and energy efficient. Call us for a free, safe, in-home estimate at (630)790-0800.


