Celebrating in the Midst of a Pandemic

Celebrating in the Midst of a Pandemic

Seventeen Years ago, I opened  Pro-Home Services opened their doors to serve the community, hoping to change the stereotype of the “storm chasing” roofer.  I had hoped to restore faith in a craft that provides an essential protection and basic need for most people–keeping a roof over their heads.  Although recent months have brought its challenges, we are happy to report business is back, and with a grateful heart, we say thank you and cheers to another successful year of serving our customers.

The keys to our success have remained the same from the start. Not only is it in our name: Professionalism, Reliability, Ownership, but it shows in how the business is run…

….with Integrity!

Pro-Home Services’ stands on a foundation of trust and honesty. We will not underestimate your intelligence by overestimating the price of the project.

…Building One Relationship at a Time!

We know our customers. We have seen families grow, homes change owners, and have

weathered the good and the bad with each client. Thanks to the experience of our customers, we have grown from referrals. The outcome of our successful projects is due to our valued employees who have remained with us through the years.

….Through Quality Work!

We are a licensed, bonded, insured business. We stand by our quality, 100 percent, and offer an industry-leading warranty on service. We treat each home like our own, ensuring complete satisfaction to the last detail.

While 2020 will be remembered by most as the year of the pandemic, Pro-Home Services will look back on our 17th year as one when families grew closer, neighbors were helping neighbors and communities were stepping up to support small business. Pro-Home Services is ready to start your next project, in a way that will keep you and your family safe. No matter what the next months or years may bring, Pro-Home Services will be there from start to finish. Give Pro-Home Services a call (630)-790-0800!


