Don’t Rely On Price Alone To Find Your Commercial Contractors


If you’re a business owner or landlord looking for roof replacement, renovation, or any commercial construction services, then we know how tempting it can be to go with the lowest quote you can find. However, little mistakes or oversights can cost you far more in the long run, which is why it’s crucial to work with a trusted contractor who can get the work done right the first time. For instance, installing a new layer of roofing on top of the old can save money in the short term, but it can also cut your roof’s lifespan by as much as 20%.

And that’s why you have to consider more than the price of quotes before hiring commercial construction pros. So how do you find the best commercial construction contractor for your project? We have a few tips for you to consider:

1. Ask For Referrals
If you already have a contractor in mind, then you should ask for referrals from their previous clients. If the contractor can’t provide a list of referrals to you, that might be a bad sign. They could have had a lot of rocky partnerships on recent projects, and if they can’t find two or three satisfied clients, then you should keep looking.

However, if you don’t have a contractor in mind, talk to other landlords in you area to see who they recommend. These personal referrals can be a great way to find reliable commercial contractors.

2. There’s More to a Quote Than Meets the Eye
There isn’t anything wrong with picking a contractor based on the lowest offers or the lowest fees or bids, but that price can sometimes indicate the quality or priority you’ll receive. Some tactics include giving you a lesser grade of building materials or cutting corners, all to keep the price low.

You should pick a contractor not only based on price, but also their experience and the level of comfort and confidence that you have in that firm. In addition, an extremely low bid doesn’t mean anything if the project will go way over schedule or include hidden fees. Before settling on a bid, make sure you go over the details of the quote in detail. 3. Work With Reputable Contractors

Finally, be sure to work with only the most reputable firms. While that may seem obvious, there are a lot of freelancers and independent contractors in the construction world. These friends of friends and under the table “professionals” often show up at just the right time with a deal that’s too good to be true. Instead, look for commercial contractors with an established reputation for excellence.

At a minimum, your contractor should meet the following criteria:

  • Not just a physical address, but a website and responsive front office.
  • Solid rating with the Better Business Bureau
  • Membership in relevant professional organizations
  • Certified to install products from major roofing and siding manufacturers
  • Professional warranties

Hopefully, you found these tips to be helpful in picking the best commercial contractors for your business. And if you have questions about a commercial construction project in Glen Ellyn, IL or want to discuss projects, please contact us.


