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Everything You Need to Know About Windows in the Winter

Everything You Need to Know About Windows in the Winter

Windows are a crucial part of your home. They allow a breeze into the rooms during the summer and keep the cold air from entering your home in the winter. While they do a good job of blocking out the cold, there’s always a chance that something might be wrong with your window, allowing air to enter.

If you have drafty windows and don’t want to deal with snow, sleet, and ice entering your home, there are some simple steps you can take to prevent winter from making an appearance in your living room. Let’s take a look at a few things you should know.

Why Insulate Your Windows?
If you don’t have your windows insulated, then why do you even have them at all? The insulation prevents your in-home heat from escaping, the winter winds from entering, and any other elements from making their mark in your living space. Even if you decide to spend a lot of money but opt against insulation during new window installation, your replacement windows won’t quite get the job done. Your residential windows need to be able to handle any kind of weather that comes their way, so having insulation is key.

What Does It Mean If You Notice a Draft?
Are you noticing a breeze coming into your home or finding that you’re paying too much for your heating bill? Chances are your windows need to be inspected. It’s possible that your glass is not energy efficient, your old window frames aren’t sealed, or that you still haven’t yet installed insulation. All of these things can be easily fixed and are crucial if you don’t want to either spend an excessive amount on heating or deal with the cold coming into your home.

Why Do Windows Matter in the Winter?
Cracks and drafts are the leading causes of increased energy bill costs. It’s important to remember that your window is only as good as the insulation you put into it. If you want to check to make sure your window is properly sealed, feel around the edge and trims for drafts. That’s the clearest sign that something needs to be fixed. Also, keep in mind that single-pane glass windows are extremely energy inefficient and allow heating and cooling dollars to fly out and noise to come in.

Making sure your windows are properly ready for winter will not only save you time and money but also protect against any potential illnesses you might find as an outcome of the cold coming into your home.





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