How to Pick the Best Type of Roofing for Your Home


Whether you’re building or replacing, your roof is an essential part of your home. Most homeowners don’t put too much thought into their roof, at least not until it’s the last thing on the list — or it starts to leak. There are many factors to consider when replacing a roof, including the roofing materials.

Typically, your contractor will assist you with the majority of these considerations, but here is a quick guide to getting the best type of roofing for your home.

What to look for

You should have certain expectations when it comes to your roof. However, what you decide to do will ultimately affect those expectations. For instance, if you expect your roof to last 15 to 20 years, then you’ll have to select a material that will deliver that. Here are some things you might want to ask about the roofing material you’re considering:

  • What is the lifespan?
  • Will it hold up in the event of hurricanes, tornados, or other natural disasters? (Particularly if you live in an area where these are common)
  • Will it be too heavy for the existing roof framing?
  • How will the material work with the slope of my home?
  • Will this material complement the overall aesthetic of my home?
  • Is it eco-friendly or recyclable?
  • Is the material allowed by my local building codes?
  • How much will it cost me a lot to install?

This list isn’t exhaustive, and you might find that you have more to ask about your desired roofing material.

Peel back the layers

Most areas have an ordinance that doesn’t allow for more than two layers of roofing on your home, but you should be cautious about layering at all. It tends to be the less expensive route, which attracts many homeowners. However, you might find it to be more beneficial to strip any existing layers and do a complete roof replacement. In general, roofing experts claim that the lifespan of your roof will be cut by 20% if you opt to install it on an existing roof. The best type of roofing is the one that lasts, and when you layer your materials you can be ignoring some signs of decay. Dry rot, water damage, and other types of damage could be hiding underneath your existing layer, so consider having your contractor pull it back to check.

So, in order to get the best type of roofing, you have a few considerations to make. Consulting with your contractor or roofing company will provide you with the insights needed to make an informed decision.

Need a roof replacement, roof repair, or general roofing contractor for any of your to-do list? Give us a call today.


