How To Prepare Your House for a New Roof

How To Prepare Your House for a New Roof
How To Prepare Your House for a New Roof

Getting a new roof can be stressful for both new and seasoned homeowners. There’s a ton to keep track of and a lot to prepare for. Since this is the case, how can you find advice you can trust? We have you covered. Read on about how to prepare your house for a new roof below.

Get Rid of Wall Decorations

One of the first things you’ll want to do when preparing for your residential roofing company to come is to take down your wall decorations. This includes lamps and statues, as well as fixtures on the walls. Don’t forget your paintings. If you can pick it up and take it with you, you should probably take it off the wall. Otherwise, you run the risk of it breaking. If it’s a precious item to you, even if you’ve only spent a few dollars on it, it’s worth something. If you can keep it from falling, you can continue to have it as a crucial piece of home décor.

Move Your Car

Accidents happen. This is especially true of companies that work on your roof. If a shingle falls off the side of the roof and cracks against its window shield, causing a fracture, guess who’s responsible for paying for it? Moving your car will keep debris from falling on top of its roof. Things like shingle pieces, branches, and even pieces of underlayment could fall on it. And given the damage that can do, we think it’s safe to say that isn’t something you want. This is a key part of preparing your house for a new roof.

Think About Your Pets and Kids

It would be a better choice to warn your kids about the noise. If you find it too loud, booking a hotel is possible if the sound is too much. Otherwise, alert your family that people will be doing work on the roof and set up a plan so that they can adjust from there. Maybe the kids can study at the library rather than at home. Or you can work at a café during daylight hours if you work from home. Have a plan in place and work around it according to your needs.

Clear Your Roof of Branches

If your roof has branches on it, you should clear them before your roofing company comes to replace it. You don’t want branches falling off the roof, and you don’t want them obstructing the professionals working on your roof. Alternatively, if your roof has branches that touch or cover your house, you should prune them. A crew member could slip, fall, and have an accident all because he tripped over a branch leaning against your roof. It may seem dramatic, but scaling a roof and keeping your balance is tricky. Don’t think it can’t happen to you.

Clear Your Yard

Clearing your yard before your contractors come out is essential. This is because roofers usually “tear the roof off,” so to speak, when they come to replace it. While they’ll try and be neat, ultimately, the debris has to go somewhere—it doesn’t just go to another dimension. Because of this, you want to take time to put away any chairs, umbrellas, and even any pottery and move them inside your home. When you do this, you can keep them clean.

Protect Your Attic

Ensure you protect your attic as much as possible before and during the process. You can start by identifying what furniture and items are useful for you and which aren’t. If it has sentimental value, you need to take this into account as well. For items that aren’t as valuable, you might want to figure out a way to take all your valuables downstairs for a bit until the roofing company has finished. Cover the furniture in tarps if you can’t take it downstairs. Finally, put anything likely to fall over on the floor so that it doesn’t accrue damage.

Cut the Grass, Prune the Trees

You want your home to be as pristine as possible so that you don’t obstruct your roofing company’s progress. You don’t want them tripping over things, scraping themselves against errant sticks, or having to fight past branches on their way to your roof. Make the process easy for them by cleaning out the tough spots before they even get there. Cut your grass, prune your trees, and make sure you move things out of the way. If you have a pool—people often get their roof done in the spring and summer months—then move it or put a tarp over it if it’s in the ground.

Think About Power Sources

The last thing you want is for them to get too close to electric power cords. This could get you in trouble with the city, so it’s important that you inform your roofer if they’re too close to a cable line to begin with. Remember, if they get caught in a power line, they could seriously injure themselves. It might be wise to have a plan of action ahead of time so that everyone can stay safe.

Identify Power Outlets

Unless all their tools operate with batteries, it’s safe to say that the workers will need some form of a power outlet. If you have one, you could even let them use one of your portable generators to help them. It’s convenient and can stay outside. Otherwise, try to identify your outlets beforehand, especially if you have a few on your home’s exterior. You should do anything that will make their lives easier. You could even get an extension cord if it’ll help, especially since it runs through windows and doors.

Let’s face it, preparing for your roofing contractor to perform such an extensive task is daunting. A full roof replacement involves them literally tearing the old roof off bit by bit. Because of this, you need a roofer you can trust. Here at Pro-Home Services, we offer you the best roofing services. If you’re looking for a roofing contractor that’s unbeatable, contact us today!

How To Prepare Your House for a New Roof


