Replace Your Home’s Siding For a Massive Boost in Your Home’s Insulatory Properties


The types of vinyl siding available to homeowners today far outperform their older counterparts, making roofing and siding projects a wise choice for any property. While bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling have long been the kings of the home renovation game, the siding we use to insulate our homes and make them look great from the curb has simply advanced too much to ignore.

While hardwood siding has its upsides, the potential drawbacks are too much of a hassle compared to what you’d see if you used vinyl. It may be more convenient for homeowners, too, when you consider that vinyl siding doesn’t have to be painted. It typically maintains its looks, and its functionality for upwards of 40 years. Despite having such a high-performance rating, it is still virtually maintenance free, making it perfect for the homeowner who has a hectic schedule.

So, what are some other reasons for hopping over to vinyl, besides its time saving and aesthetically pleasing nature? To begin with, your home may be “bleeding out” a huge percentage of its air due to malfunctioning or old siding. Without an airtight, well-insulated siding around your home, you’re going to be paying more for energy, more often. Who needs that? Factoring in how much more money a new installation of siding can net a homeowner upon sale of a property — as well as the estimated average increase in energy costs acquired from having old or defunct siding — it’s feasible to say that a homeowner is losing between 10-15% of their home’s value by not replacing older, more worn siding.

Many of the new types of vinyl siding cover all the bases, and you won’t be left needing to replace them in a few short years. Vinyl also has the added benefit of being termite-free, even after several decades of use.

If you have some extra cash lying around and are planning on putting some of it back into your home, don’t go with the cliches and the platitudes of the homeowner’s world — expand beyond the basic kitchen and bathroom projects and wrap your home in the finest siding available in today’s marketplace.

Just be careful who you tell… if you have friends or family who are a bit older in age, they may hear you talk about “switching to vinyl” and get nostalgic about their old rock n’ roll albums.


