Roofing Terminology Every Homeowner Should Know

Roofing Terminology Every Homeowner Should Know
Roofing Terminology Every Homeowner Should Know

If you’re a homeowner, understanding various types of roofing terminology is important if you want to know how things work on the projects you commission. Maybe you want to learn how these things work so you can do it yourself, or maybe you want to understand what’s happening when the roofing contractor company comes over. Regardless of why you’re curious, these are some types of roofing terminology every homeowner should know.

Tiles and Shingles

Shingles are small pieces of material that overlap to form the roof’s outermost layer. Shingles are essentially your roof’s first line of defense regarding inclement weather. Many homes have shingle roofs that are intact, especially historical homes. Some of them are even 6,000 years old, which shows how much longevity they can have!


Flashing is a thin metal material that protects your roof against leaks. Installing flashing is a much-needed way to ensure your home is weatherproof. Manufacturers make it using rust-resistant metal, with many different names for it. You’ll likely encounter terms such as valley, base, and step flashing.

Ridge Vent

These are often compared to wind turbines, and they are a natural method for venting humid air out of your attic. That said, while hot air can filter out of ridge vents, they also keep various elements from leaking into the home. You typically install ridge vents alongside the roof peak. They function as screens to filter internal airflow.


Gable refers to one of the most common roof types in the industry: what is essentially an A-frame roof with a lesser angle and sides that don’t reach the ground. Gable also refers to the portion of the supporting wall that forms a triangle, supporting the peak of a gable roof.

We understand that learning about all roofing terminology that every homeowner should know can be overwhelming. If that’s your case, we’re here to help! At Pro-Home Services, we help you with all your roofing needs, and we walk you through all the terms and steps of the project. With us, you have a rock-solid understanding of what’s happening. We love our customers and look forward to speaking with you. Contact Pro-Home Services today!


