The Right Roofing and Siding Materials for Winterizing Your Home

The Right Roofing and Siding Materials for Winterizing Your Home

When owning a home, there are endless home maintenance tasks to perform. Of those many things, the upkeep and repair of a house’s exoskeleton should be at the top of the list, especially when preparing for those stormy and frigid months that are fast approaching.

Winter is here and with it comes the dryness and bitterness of the cold and unrelenting weather. In most areas, cold weather not only takes a toll on the roadways but also to homes. This is particularly apparent on the roofing, on the siding, and on the windows of one’s cozy abode.

How the cold affects your roof

Snow and ice are known to cause a tremendous amount of damage because of icicles and ice dams that can form in the cracks of roofing and within gutters. When talking with your roof and siding contractor about the type of material you should get, it is wise to be mindful in choosing the most suited for that region.

What about siding?

According to expert siding contractors Glen Ellyn IL trusts, the most efficient siding for cold weather is found to be made from moisture-resistant materials such as modern composite and vinyl. Not only does this siding helps reduce mold and other forms of rot and decay, but vinyl siding is a time-efficient and low-maintenance choice for a homeowner because it doesn’t require additional tasks such as sanding or painting.

Keeping a healthy outer layer of your home after a harsh season will prove useful and profitable in the future since old and worn siding can actually take a toll on a home’s value as much as up to 10% of the contributed loss. Not only does maintaining your home prove profitable, but it will also save time in the future when you choose the right materials.

Contact Pro Home Services today

When it comes to winterizing or assessing the damage after a particularly harsh season, always leave it up to a roof and siding contractor to help better evaluate the specific needs for your home. This will not only help you save time and energy, but more importantly, it will help you remain a stress-free homeowner during the holidays. When you want to protect your home, rely on the experience of Pro Home Services to save you money.


