Three Reasons to Plan Exterior Remodeling in Winter


Many homeowners aren’t aware that it’s an option, but exterior remodeling in the winter months is not as crazy as it sounds. It actually can save you money and you can greet the spring and summer with an already remodeled exterior. Many people only attempt their exterior home improvement in an emergency situation, but the truth is there are mild winter days when an exterior remodeling project can easily be completed, stress-free.

The best reason to schedule, though, are the top two: competitive pricing and scheduling.

  1. Competitive Pricing. Since winter is the off-season for exterior remodeling, companies can offer winter specials on siding or winter specials on replacement windows to homeowners willing to schedule in the off-season. Although it varies, homeowners can expect to save up to 20 percent over the price of a job in the summer, thanks to off-season discounts on materials from manufacturers. Roofers can also be flexible with their fees for budget-conscious customers since their workload is not as heavy in the winter.
  2. Scheduling Flexibility. While most homeowners book their roofer or home improvement contractor in spring and summer, it is much easier to find someone between October and mid-March, when work slows down. February is the slowest month for home improvement jobs. If you are flexible, you can book a home improvement project “weather permitting” until the conditions are right to complete the job. This flexibility can help both the homeowner and the remodeler save money. As for weather, conditions affect installations as much in summer as in winter, so why not choose winter? Extremely wet conditions always stall jobs, but a dry, mild winter day is ideal for installing roofing, siding, windows and doors, and much easier to find an open time with the remodeling pro.
  3. Same Quality and Efficiency. Is there a reduction in quality because the working conditions are different in a winter exterior home remodel? The answer is, no. You can still get a quality roofing job and wood siding is unaffected by temperature, although certain extra steps are taken with vinyl siding to install it properly during the winter months. For installing replacement windows in winter, the key is preparation. A quality installer will have the precise measurements and materials to make a speedy installation of the new window once the old window is removed. Contrary to popular belief, a homeowner only endures approximately five minutes of exposure to the outdoors as the experienced installer replaces the old window with the new one.

Are you considering a home improvement project in winter? Pro-Homes offers a winter sale on siding and replacement windows. Contact us today to discuss your next project!


