Why Installing Gutter Guards Is Worth It

Why Installing Gutter Guards Is Worth It

If you’ve been putting off installing gutter guards on your home, ask yourself “why”?

Fall can be a treacherous time for your home—leaves fall off the trees on your property, land on your roof, and clog your gutters. Clogged gutters lead to a slew of further issues for your home, and constantly cleaning out the clutter is a nuisance. Luckily, all of this can be prevented quite easily simply by investing in gutter guards!

Save Maintenance

There are several factors to consider before making the decision, however. Gutter guards are an add-on to your home which can save yourself some maintenance as well as add value to your property—a good idea if you plan to sell your home in the future or pass it along. They last remarkably long, too. Many gutter guards come with warranties that can last 20 years or more, so once they are installed, you can typically rest easy with your investment while it works for you and your home, as repairs or replacements are quite uncommon.

Styles for Long or Short-Term Investment  

When you are considering installing gutter guards, consider that each home is unique, and that not all types of guards are best for all types of needs. Before deciding on what type of gutter guard to upgrade your home with, consider which type of system will work best for you. There are two brands of gutter guards we install at Pro-Home Services:

1. If you are seeking a long-term investment, the Raindrop Gutter Guard System offers high-quality polyurethane guards which keep out large debris and prevent clogs by means of a grate on top of your gutter. These guards excel in performance and durability, but are also backed by a 20-year warranty for peace of mind.

2. If you are seeking a more economical option for your home, Leaf Relief Gutter Guards are a great system for most homeowners. They have flat tops to allow in rain, but not leaves or other particles. They also come in 39 different colors, so they are more likely to match your house and existing gutters. This brand is also backed by a 25-year “no clog, no overflow” guarantee, and can also drain more rain than has ever been recorded: 29.7 inches per hour.

Enjoy Easy Installation

If you have determined which gutter guard system is best for you, then you will be happy to learn that installing gutter guards is a fairly simple and quick process. From start to finish, a typical installation lasts only hours on a typical house. Prior to installation, though, you will want to thoroughly clean your gutters. Gutter guards can keep debris in as well as they keep debris out, and trapping leaves within your gutters defeats one of the main advantages of having gutter guards in the first place. You can also install gutter guards on new gutters or pre-existing ones—there is no need to install new gutters just to install gutter guards, and you can also match the colors to your gutters as well.

The payoff in time saved, future maintenance, and value added to your home make installing gutter guards a no-brainer. If you are ready to upgrade your home, contact us and we’ll help you determine the best system for your home’s gutters.


