Pro Home Services Announces the Most Popular Exterior Color Combinations for 2018


Cue the drumroll! Every year Pro-Home Services reflects on a year of beautifying home exteriors across Chicagoland and reflects on the most popular colors of roofing and siding selected by the customers that year. Two distinct color combinations stand out this year. And they are…

White siding with black trim on house exterior.Black Windows/White Siding 

In the “colorful” world we live in today this choice, at first glance, can seem quite blah.  But think about it, do you ever look at a groom in a black tux and a bride in a white wedding dress and think “blah”? Instead, it smacks of elegance and grace. Same when you treat a classic, white-sided home with modern, black-trimmed windows.

  • Black framed windows provide elegance with a bit of edge to your home’s exterior.
  • Depending on the style of your house they add a bold definition to the architecture (Tudor, Cape Cod, etc.).
  • They make your windows pop against the white background.

Green Siding/Gray Roof

At their core, green and gray are both natural and neutral colors. Green has always been a favorite siding choice, but even more now when the name “green” and the color itself signify positivity and a hopeful future for our planet. This soothing, steady color combination adds curb appeal to prospective buyers and breeds envy among the neighbors. What else can this color combination do for you?

  • Green and gray are versatile colors that look great on any style of home.
  • The neutral tones of gray and green naturally compliment stone colors (whites, green-gray, blues), brick colors (red, oranges, yellow), white/black trim, muted colors, cooler siding colors (grays, whites, blues.)
  • For homes that feature mixed textures and materials (e.g., wood and brick) they are offset splendidly with the neutral gray and green.

How to Choose Your Color Combination

Are these most popular colors not for you? How do you begin choosing colors?  It’s not easy!

The color of your home impacts the curb appeal, the neighborhood aesthetic, and can add value or devalue your home.  Whether you are changing the sidingroof or windows, there are endless color choices. Good thing Pro-Home Services comes right to your door with color samples so you can view them where they will installed—on your home.

While you can certainly let your taste be your guide, here are some guidelines to consider when selecting colors:

  • Neutral tones (beige/gray) are most appealing, pair well with any backdrop, and add property value.
  • Earthy tones (blue/green) can be inviting and balance with the green of trees and blue of lakes.
  • Bold tones (red/brown) are often seen on farms, like a barn.  These statement colors are making a comeback.
  • Consider which colors seem to look best with your home’s architectural style.
  • Think about the visual effect you want.  What does the neighborhood color scheme look like?
  • Consider the most popular colors. Many manufacturers announce a color of the year. For example, the Owens Corning shingles used by Pro-Homes have declared the color of the year for their shingle to be the Owens Corning Black Sable shingle.  Like gray, black sable is a timeless color that adds a touch of luxury and refinement.

With 2019 just around the corner, it’s a great time to start planning an exterior home refresh?  Pro-Homes supplies form top roofing, siding, and window brands.  No matter the project Our team can help you in choosing the right colors and materials.  They will make the experience as easy as possible from start to finish.  Give us a call today and let our experts help you! 630-790-0800


